Digital & Social Communications – ignore, adjust or optimise?

We are more connected than ever, yet actually reaching people has never been harder! Certainly that’s what we see from both ours and our clients’ perspective and it was brought into sharp focus preparing for leading a session on how technology can help growth with the Worldwide Association of Girl Guides and Scouts (WAGGGS) last week. […]

How to Wreck Seasonal Digital Marketing Campaigns

As we celebrate the Christmas season it again leaves us looking forward to 2013, but not before we offer our final challenge of 2012. When it comes to seasons, it is our view that all businesses have them. We were reminded of this at the beginning of December when the same client who emails us […]

The Monetisation of Facebook Likes Explained

We explain the changes to Facebook likes, why they are appearing more often and some of the decisions behind these solutions.

Responsive Design: 5 Reasons Why it is NOT Smart Mobile Marketing

As we’ve been saying for many months, Mobile is not coming, it’s here. Over 20% of your website visitors will be using a tablet or smartphone and about 30% of emails are opened on mobile devices. Responsive design, for those who don’t know what it means, is a single website layout which automatically adapts (grows, […]

Effective CRM Starts by banning the ‘Snooze-Letter’

One of the main problems for digital marketing is born out of eagerness to put the horse before the cart. To clarify… that is to decide on a campaign without a well thought-out strategy. So it is with much of email marketing. It makes so much sense to use emails over pretty much every other […]

Why the London Olympics Tickets Website Gets a Fail

There has been a lot written about the London Olympic games and the ticketing. To a certain extent it would have been very difficult to get everything right, but having been through the initial round and then the ‘repechage’, it’s time to take a critical look at the online user experience. We have come up with […]

Website Conversion Optimisation – 6 Top Tips

As you fight to increase profit and opportunity, you know that every little improvement helps to increase conversions on your website. Here are our top six areas where, if you apply these conversion ideas to your website, you can boost your sales, drive more leads and grow your business opportunity. 1. Reduce Choice

Can You Automate Your Digital Marketing?

It’s a question we’re increasingly covering with clients as they get to grips with the speed of diversification of online marketing channels. This is often expressed in a number of ways with questions like: How do you cope with the sheer range of online channels? How can you value time, and use it more wisely? […]

Build Your Own Website? Do So at Your Own Peril!

Have you ever noticed one of those business card printing kiosks? There’s one at Victoria Station. Have you ever wondered why they are rarely, if ever used? The reason is quite simple – the cards they create are embarrassing. Most business people would prefer to fall into a large hole in the ground should they […]

One-Stop Solution to the EU ePrivacy Cookie Law

We have developed an end-to-end, legally sound, easy to manage solution for businesses and individuals seeking to meet the EU ePrivacy cookie law to ensure website compliance. Step 1: Cookie Audit The first step that any business needs to take is to perform a cookie audit, you can do this on your own or we […]

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