The Facebook Post Mark Zuckerberg Would Love to Write

Howdy, fellow Facebooker Greetings from your maker. Do you Facebook? Of course you do, and so do I. I Facebook every single day, it makes me more connected and complete. Life is wonderful in Facebook, spend yours here too! Anyway, I have heard your voice, spidered your posts, scanned your photos and imprinted your wall […]

Google+ is Only Just Getting Started

The common response to a sea-change in a maturing industry can be very predictable, and this is true of the Internet as much as it is the ‘offline’ world because, as we’ll discuss later this month – users of these services are real people too! This is true when it comes to social media too. […]

Prioritise Your Twitter Marketing, It’s ‘Winning’ the Social War

With all the brouhaha of the Facebook IPO, it’s easy to look at Facebook and think that it’s sitting pretty atop the social space: more time on site, more visits, more users… surely, it must be only a matter of time before Zuckerburg dominates everything? Well, firstly let’s terminate one misconception: there is not going […]

Why You Need a Mobile Website

If you’re an online business and you have a reasonable active website (say 100+ visitors a day), then it’s about time you planned for (or fast-tracked) a mobile website. There is a trend happening at the moment across every single website we manage for clients – the proportion of mobile visitors to the site is […]

Why Does Your Site Not Convert?

For virtually every business with a website in the world, the one measure which makes the most immediate and substantial change to their fortunes is their website conversion rate. Yet few businesses spend much attention on improving conversion rates through optimisation of their website and therefore they lose the one single area where they could […]

Social Media Marketing – Don’t be a Twitter!

Look, we’ll be the first to jump on any truck passing which could serve our clients better, particularly when it comes to the Internet. In the Internet’s case, if you don’t get on the truck straight away you find it’s fuller than a bendy bus in rush hour… however, we have served ourselves a cease […]

Marketing Budget? Online Is Different

In the good ol’ days the marketing budget was the ground rule for all marketing. Sure you could stretch it here or there, but it was set, rigid, in stone, and if you wanted to gain something you had to pilfer from somewhere else in the budget. This made sense, because often stretching a budget […]

The Case for an Integrated Online Marketing Strategy

By co-ordinating all areas of online marketing as an integrated approach will give you the greatest rewards and value. The traditional view of ‘horses for courses’ which may have served offline activity well, works less well when there is, in the most part, a single destination – a website (or a business sitting behind the website). […]

The 5 Biggest Website Mistakes

We come into contact with a wide number of businesses and find the vast majority have ‘historical’ websites which often need urgent attention or complete overhaul. So, we decided to compile a list for you: go on, check your site against these, see how you stack up! In reverse order… 5. To Neglect Copywriting This […]

Going to Local Social Summit?

“Connecting with Consumers where Local meets Social” Looking forward to going to the ‘Local Social Summit’ in November. Speakers from all round the globe coming to London to get busy and share some of the latest stuff. Ergo will be there… keeping an appropriately firm finger on the pulse and making sure that we know […]

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