AdID from Google – Online Tracking, All Change Please!

Why Google Will Have Cookies for Breakfast with AdID!

1. Because They Want to Take Control

The main reason for Google to try to stop using cookies is that they want to develop something that they ‘own’. AdID is not just a cookie replacement – it’s a Google way of doing things: if they see something the think needs replacing, they improve and replace it and make sure that they take charge.

2. Because the Cookie is Past It

Google AdID to Replace the CookieCookies were one of those things that were probably thought up over a coffee or conversation next to a water cooler when the Internet was in it’s infancy. They’re old fashioned, clumsy and basic. Their time has come!

Also, cookies are increasingly being blocked either by the user or automatically by a browser and therefore they are under fire. What better way to get a stay of execution on cookie use than by coming up with a completely different device? Our guess is that Google will devise a way which cannot be blocked by browsers, but only by setting options in Google.

3. Because They Can…

Google is just about the only business big enough globally to actually do this. They already own approximately 1/3rd of the advertising marketplace in terms of revenue, and this will not only boost those revenues, but also make sure that all advertisers using Google for tracking ‘play ball’ with Google.

Ironically, Apple have already done this, with their IDFA (which is their replacement for cookies) but in the only advertising and tracking game, Apple is a banana and Google is a gorilla.

But There are Three Red Herrings…

Red Herring 1: Cookies are ‘Dead’

Cookies are still a the critical tool used to create the Internet’s ‘memory’ of users, and are not just used for advertising (although some would have us believe that is the case).

They are used for remembering shopping baskets, logins to secure websites, return visits, personalisation and analytics… most of this is benefits the visitor or customer.

Red Herring 2: That They Did it For Us

It’s a nice thought, isn’t it? They are stating that this is to improve user privacy and anonymity, and that is true to a point, but actually, it’s to put the power into their hands. They will double their profits: firstly for the PR value of being on the consumer side, and secondly for having greater control over online advertising. Not quite ‘as described’, is it?

Red Herring 3: This Circumvents the ePrivacy ‘Cookie’ Law

The AdID does not suddenly mean that Google can dodge the Cookie Law, it doesn’t. The cookie law specifically states that any kind of tracking code which identifies the user or computer is subject to this law. However, Google does not mind, even if it is still ‘at war’ in the courts about its combined privacy policy AdID is no worse than cookies and has all the above benefits.

What This Means to You, Today

For most clients, very little, especially right now. This is something to come. The chances are in time that you may not even notice the effect of this even if you advertise a lot.

The guys who are sweating are the other advertising networks, particularly those who have sailed close to the wind when it comes to user privacy and third-party cookies. The bell was tolling for them anyway, it’s just no longer in the distance.

It also means that it is increasingly likely that future editions of Chrome will have ‘do not follow’ turned on!

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