
Prefilling Space

Offering short leases and contracts to small and startup businesses leads to challenges for Flexspace. Every unit is up for renewal every year. Furthermore, with standard attrition within small enterprises, there is always space coming available.

Yet, with a building database and a ready list of prospective, as well as existing clients, we have advised them on systems and strategies to convert more of their database and to see problems for fill rate before it becomes a critical problem.

Analytics Flexspace

Unit Measurements

One extensive website with an enormous range of pages and content, where offers adapt every month to the demands of the clients, and capacity changes meaning that conversions never stay the same.

So, we report and analyse every month, understand how the different areas of the website are performing, receive briefings from our client and adapt for the month ahead.

Flexing Our Marketing

When we started working with Flexspace, almost all of their new online or phone enquiries were from office brokers, almost all being price-sensitive and harder to close clients.

We developed a website to promote direct leads into the company.

Organic Flexspace

To Another Level

Having worked with Flexspace on two iterations of their website the biggest challenge has been leveraging their sites and types of property to build a range of keywords to reach business owners.

Whilst the first website was effective in building traffic, we learned so much from that process that round two (six years later) was another step uo. Structure and internal linking was optimised for a wide range of relevant keywords which built a steady flow of converting organic traffic to Flexspace.

Filling Work Spaces

With 50 locations, an average of 100 units per location and four different types of units, with most being filled by short term tenants, we needed to create a flexible advertising structure that would work for Flexspace.

Every month we switch regional, location, unit and specific promotions on across the board to match the tactical advertising from their in-house team. Their website is the single largest lead driver in their business. You’re welcome!

Branding Flexspace

Building a Brand

Flexspace was a merger of a much smaller business and an established portfolio of commercial spaces. It needed a modern brand which combined some of the palettes of the established businesses, but also developed something fresh for future marketing.

The combination of blue, yellow and white is strong and yet flexible, offering a distinctive and confident brand, whether on a billboard or website.

Another Level

Having worked with Flexspace on two iterations of their website the biggest challenge has been leveraging their sites and types of property to build a range of keywords to reach business owners.


The first website was effective in building traffic, but we learned so much from that process that round two (six years later) was another step up. Structure and internal linking were optimised for a wide range of relevant keywords which built a steady flow of converting organic traffic.

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