Nautilus Sailing

Making Sales Buoyant

With a growing reputation, but skippering being seen as a one-hit sale, it seemed that repeat business would be a challenge. However, Nautilus had two strategies we were able to support with very effective marketing campaigns.

Firstly, they now have an Alumni network called ‘The Tribe’ who regularly go on flotillas with each other, coordinated by Nautilus. Secondly, they have catamaran deliveries where different teams are assembled to take their boats point to point, often across oceans – another level of experience!

IT Systems Nautilus Sailing

Navigating Technology

When we initially worked with Nautilus, they had grown successfully on an inbox and a spreadsheet. For a small business, that makes sense and keeps it simple, but it becomes harder the more conversations, quotes and bookings are managed.
It became clear that they needed to collaborate and track more.

With an envious Tripadvisor rating, their customers expect the perfect experience. Having scoped out their requirements, we helped them choose the right CRM and then helped scope it out to fit their needs perfectly. Now their office team of four can work together, using a range of communication channels to get the job done.

Another Class

Whilst Nautilus is setting the standard for real-life skippering courses, they recognise there is a substantial audience for online learning.

Having established their new website, we integrated their online courses and set up several routes into registering or trying their online masterclasses as well as tracking paid enquiries into the system to measure relative performance.

Lead Generation Nautilus Sailing

Enquiries Ahoy

Having worked with Nautilus Sailing for over ten years, through three websites where we developed and optimised a highly effective lead generation system, we have helped them grow from two locations to eight. From two instructors to a team of ten.

They focus on running the finest skipper school on the planet, we get them the customers who want the best experience.

Inboxing Adventure

With a large list of past customers and prospects, all with a passion for sailing, we need to ensure that the emails are engaging and entertaining but also focus on growth opportunities.

Coming up with creative angles is our speciality. Whether promoting new catamarans, new locations or even online courses, we change tack frequently to ensure that we never hit the doldrums.

Social Nautilus Sailing

Raising the Standard

With Nautilus the content is amazing, with videos and photos of the most amazing destinations. The temptation is just to use the eye-candy and forget the reason.

The secret to our work is selling the ‘why’ first. The dream of adventure, of being your own skipper, of choosing your trips, of seeing that first dawn on an ocean where it’s just you, the GPS and a destination over the horizon. That’s why they sail.

Giving Berths

The challenge with Nautilus isn’t the product, it’s amazing! The test is to avoid sailing enthusiasts and drill down to their audience: people who want to learn to skipper.

We have worked closely with Nautilus for over ten years distilling down a range of very precise advertising campaigns to deliver exactly what they wanted. A flow of future skippers looking for adventure.

Content Nautilus Sailing

On the Right Tack

It’s too easy to be carried away by the lifestyle and adventure of the Nautilus crew, from the Pacific to the Med, they deliver award-winning sailing experiences.

However, we are not helping them sell holidays, they sell skipper courses so that clients can sail their own yachts and catamarans. So the content is geared around this. It’s still beautiful, but it speaks to the right audience.

Set Sail

With such an amazing range of locations, catamarans and experiences, Nautilus gives us an extravagant range of media to work with. Yet, we never forget the purpose.

High-quality enquiries booking premium courses to learn how to become a skipper. That’s what it’s all about.

Organic Nautilus Sailing

Organically Sourced

During our project in a specialized field with high-priced offerings, we placed great emphasis on the value of each visit. Rather than focusing solely on quantity, we prioritized meticulousness and the quality of enquiries, in addition to the volume of leads generated. Our analysis revealed certain keywords that consistently outperformed others and delivered the types of leads that Nautilus was seeking.

With this approach, we were able to ensure that every enquiry was of high quality and had the potential to result in a valuable business opportunity.

Achieve Growth That Works

We’re the rocket fuel that propels
your business to new heights.

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