Never Commit to a Monthly SEO Contract

In the next few weeks, we’re going to tackle some of the key reasons why we’re SEO-sceptics when it comes to many businesses and the way in which SEO services are sold to customers. In this article, we challenge the need to spend on an SEO every month.

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5 Critical Keys to Managing Your SEO Supplier

Ok, so you didn’t take our first advice to ‘never commit to a monthly SEO contract‘, or perhaps you found another creative way to work with your Search Engine Optimsation which didn’t involve regular payments… but you still want to make sure you’re getting value, right?

Here are five ways to make sure that you can manage your SEO and ensure they’re going to deliver for you.

1. Don’t Focus on Position

Do not, we repeat, NOT, fall into the ‘Page 1 of Google’ trap. This is usually the domain of the lazy SEO. They will guarantee a first page position and, as soon as they get it for you, they’ll down tools and just bill you monthly.

Continue reading “5 Critical Keys to Managing Your SEO Supplier”

Google Quality Score is Not About Relevance, It’s Revenue

Back in the early days of Pay Per Click advertising Google had one of it’s usual brainwaves. It looked at Overture (which became Yahoo! Advertising) and saw that it’s direct ‘you pay more, you position higher’ approach had two main flaws:

  1. If the adverts in the search results were less relevant to the search term, then the search engine itself would seem to be less accurate
  2. If the advertising network gets paid on click-through, then to allow poor performing adverts to dominate because they’re willing to spend more means that lower revenue would be realised

So, Quality Score was Google’s smart balancing act. The premise was Continue reading “Google Quality Score is Not About Relevance, It’s Revenue”

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